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fixed bridge treatment

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Who Is The Right Candidate For Fixed Bridge Treatment?

Fixed bridges replace missing teeth to restore their functionality. From restoring smile and speaking power to providing facilitation in chewing, they offer numerous benefits. They can last for about 10-20 years if they are cared for properly. However, there are certain factors to be considered for deciding whether you are a good fit for this treatment or not. So, let's discuss those key factors that depict the ideal candidates for the bridge treatment.


Key Factors to Consider


Patients who have missing teeth and struggle to restore their chewing capability and smile are usually candidates for this treatment. However, one must consider the following parameters before making a decision.


  • Lower jaw missing


  • Missing Teeth


For fixed bridge placement, the patient must have one to four consecutive teeth on the same side of the mouth. A single bridge cannot be used for non-consecutive missing teeth or on opposite sides. You qualify for a fixed bridge only if you have consecutive missing teeth on either side of the mouth.


  • Gum Health


Good gum health is a prerequisite for bridge success. The two dominant signs of healthy gums are their firmness and being pink in color. Gum recession of inflammation negatively affects the appearance and fit of the bridge. It leads to further problems such as periodontal disease. An ideal candidate to undergo a fixed bridge treatment must have healthy gums before considering this restorative option.


  • Physical Health


The patient must be in good physical health before going for treatment. However, if you have any specific illness, do not hesitate to share it with your dentist. For bridge placement, the tooth structure must be removed, affecting the gums. Therefore, if you have any severe illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, heart-related problems, or otherwise, make sure to discuss them with your dentist/


  • Tooth Health


The teeth near to bridge placement must also be in good health. If they are in good health, they can support the bridge well. The fracture, decayed, or broken teeth will not hold up the bridge and might collapse. Therefore, the tooth health near bridge placement must be in good health to facilitate the bridge placement.


  • Jawbone Density


Dense and strong bone is also required to support the bridge. If the jawbone density is insufficient, the bridge will loosen and fall over time. This is because the forces from chewing will lead to bridge failure, preventing the bridge from fusing with the jawbone. A healthy and strong jawbone is crucial for bridge support.


Final Thoughts


The ideal candidate for a fixed bridge must be relatively healthy with enough jawbone density, good gum health, and decay-free teeth. Along with these qualities, patients with one to four consecutive missing teeth are usually the best candidate to undergo this treatment. However, everyone's situation is different. It is essential to see a professional dentist who can determine your candidacy for this treatment.


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Benefits of Porcelain Fixed Bridges


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.