Orthodontic Treatment

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Three Orthodontic Treatment Phases

Those who require orthodontic treatment should understand that there are usually three specific and well-defined phases of orthodontic care. That said much of the time and effort involved with orthodontic care will depend largely on the degree of malocclusion that requires correction. There are many good reasons to consider fixing misaligned teeth. Straight teeth look better and function better. In addition, when teeth are properly aligned, you are able to chew, eat and speak more normally. Those with an underbite, overbite, overcrowding or cross bite will benefit from orthodontic treatment. 


A Study of Impressions of The Teeth 


In most cases a patient can expect orthodontic care to last anywhere from six months to as much as three years. This is another instance where the degree of severity of malocclusion will determine the length of treatment. The first phase of orthodontic treatment involves a series of diagnostic exams. This includes everything from medical and dental considerations to a study of impressions of the teeth. In addition, multiple panoramic x-rays as well as computer-generated images and detailed photographs are used to map and understand the malocclusion of the patient. Once this is completed, the patient is moved to phase 2. 


 Treatment Phases of Orthodontic Care 


Three Orthodontic Treatment Phases


In phase 2, that of which is the active phase, all of the diagnostic data that was gathered during phase 1 is used to create a unique and patient specific treatment plan. The orthodontist will recommend a variety of orthodontic devices that can be used to produce the correct alignment. In many cases, the patient will have choices in this regard. From fixed braces to removable braces and other types of unique systems that involve headgear that may be used to produce the desired results, there are many options. The patient can expect to visit the orthodontist regularly for adjustments to the dental devices. The final phase is phase 3 - this is also called the retention phase. 


The Retainer Should Be Worn as Advised 


This is following completion of the actual treatment and involves using a custom retainer to keep teeth in the proper position. The main object of the retainer is to make sure the teeth do not start moving and shifting back to their old position. The retainer should be worn as advised by the orthodontist, so the treatment is successful. The retention phase is just as important as the prior phases and must be followed as instructed. To learn more about the phases of orthodontic treatment and all that they make possible, contact your Pinole dentists, Dr. Azadeh Hosseini and Dr. Ghazal Hosseini at Top Pinole Dental today.




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