Root Canal Therapy

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Root Canal Therapy and What It Means To You

Root Canal Therapy and What It Means To You


Those who have experienced damaged or decaying teeth or have experienced a serious tooth infection may wish to consider root canal therapy. Root canal treatment is highly effective at repairing and saving teeth rather than having them removed. However, keep in mind that not all teeth are good candidates for root canal treatment. Talk with your dental care provider to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for this type of procedure. The actual root canal repair involves removing the pulp or soft tissue inside the tooth where nerves are present. Blood vessels are also in this area and are used to normally nourish a tooth. Often this region of the tooth can become infected.


Necessity For Root Canal


Everything from a deep cavity to trauma and injury as well as a cracked or fractured tooth can result in the necessity for root canal. Even repeated dental treatments may end up disturbing tissue resulting in the need for root canal treatment. Keep in mind that if the tooth with an infected pulp goes untreated, the tissue around the root can ultimately become infected causing more serious problems. Often patients feel pain and swelling and can get an abscess when this happens. Even more alarming is that an infection can result. Infection is a serious concern because it can put a patient at risk of losing the tooth completely. This is simply due to the fact that bacteria can damage the actual bone associated with the tooth that ensures the tooth stays connected to the jawbone.




It is important to note that root canal therapy is usually not performed during a regular routine checkup. Your dental care provider will need to schedule a follow-up appointment. In many cases patients may be referred to a specialist known as an endodontics who works specifically with pulp and tissues within natural teeth. In most cases this type of procedure will take one or two office visits to complete. In typical situations there is virtually no pain associated with root canal treatment. In fact, once the procedure has been completed, the patient will no longer feel any pain because nerve endings have been removed.


Prescribe Antibiotics


Prescribe Antibiotics


Following root canal therapy, patients may feel sensitivity for a few days around the tooth where the procedure was performed. Usually a mild over-the-counter pain medication will suffice. In other instances your dental care provider may prescribe antibiotics if there is any sign of infection. Most patients will be required to do a follow-up visit after root canal therapy. It is during this visit that the temporary filling is removed and replaced with a permanent filling as well as a crown to protect the tooth from damage. The good news is that a root canal treatment can easily last a lifetime. Talk with your Pinole dentists, Azadeh Hosseini, DDS and Ghazal Hosseini, DDS at Top Pinole Dental to learn more about root canal therapy on all that makes possible.


[1] Root Canal For Better Long-Term Dental Health
[2] How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take?
[3] Why A Root Canal Procedure Can Help