Dental Crowns

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Learn More About Dental Crowns

Considered a very routine procedure, having dental crowns placed is a great way to restore functionality and improve outward appearance in patients of all ages. This routine type of procedure is simply a way for a dental care provider to save a tooth or preserve it and ensure long-term structural integrity. A crown simply restores a tooth to its original size and shape returning normal functionality and visual appearance. Ultimately, a crown will make a tooth stronger and improve its general outward look.


Learn More About Dental Crowns


A Cracked Tooth


There are different cases where a dental crown may be required. Simply stated, a patient may need a crown if they have a cavity that is too large for a regular filling. A patient may be an ideal candidate for a dental crown if they have a missing tooth and require a bridge. Those who recently have had a dental implant or root canal treatment can also expect to have a dental crown placed. Patients with a cracked tooth or teeth that have become worn down or otherwise weakened can benefit as well from dental crown technology.


Made From Ceramics


Crowns are routinely used to protect teeth as mentioned previously especially when having root canal treatment. In addition, crowns are sometimes used as a way to cover teeth that are badly shaped or severely discolored. This is ultimately done to improve a patient’s smile. Keep in mind that crowns are made from a variety of different type of materials today. They can be made from ceramics, metal alloys and even composite resin. In some cases a combination of different types of material can be used to create the perfect crown.


Prepare The Tooth


Prepare The Tooth


When a crown is made it involves the mixing of different materials in such a way that they are colored and blended to match the patient's natural teeth. When a crown is placed, the dentist will prepare the natural tooth by removing its outer portion, in essence making way for the new crown. Any decay is also removed and any additional artificial tooth structure may be added as needed to support the crown. In fact, there are many cases where the dentist will be required to build up the core of the tooth in order to accommodate the crown in the best way possible.


Finished Crown


Other aspects of placing a dental crown include the dentist taking an impression of the original tooth so that an exact model can be made for crown placement. Patients typically will receive a temporary crown while they are waiting for the permanent crown to arrive. The wait time is usually just a few weeks in most cases. Once the finished crown is ready, your dentist will place it in the right way to ensure a perfect bite. The crown is permanently cemented in place providing patients with years of excellent functionality and a better appearance. Contact your Pinole dentists, Dr. Azadeh Hosseini and Dr. Ghazal Hosseini at Top Pinole Dental today to learn more about dental crown placement.


[1] Crowns or Caps – Know the Basics 
[2] Dental Implants vs Dental Bridges
[3] How Long Does A Dental Crown Procedure Take?