Dental Emergencies

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Is there such a thing as Dental Emergencies?

In the words of the American Dental Association (ADA), Dental Emergencies "are potentially life-threatening and require immediate treatment to stop ongoing tissue bleeding [or to] alleviate severe pain or infection." Most people will have some dental emergency at some point in their lives. The best method to protect your teeth is to avoid problems in the first place by practicing proper dental hygiene, but being prepared for an emergency is also important. You may prevent permanent damage and get your mouth health back on track if you act quickly and get the appropriate first aid treatment. Let's explore dental emergencies to understand how to handle such a scenario. 


Strains and Sprains of Soft Tissues


Lips, gums, the inside of the cheeks, and the tongue are all examples of soft tissues found in the mouth. Call your emergency dentist for advice on what to do if one of these structures is compromised. Visiting an emergency department or a dentist on the same day is possible but not always necessary. First, cleanse the wound with warm water to stop bleeding from cuts, punctures, and rips to soft tissue.


Cracked teeth


While injuries to baby teeth may not need immediate medical attention, they may cause significant problems for their adult counterparts. By the time they're 15 years old, as many as 30 percent of kids have already harmed their permanent teeth.


The fracture of the enamel does not need immediate medical treatment, although dental care is still necessary. Dentine injuries of greater severity need emergency care because of the risk of pulpal infection. When a dental fracture occurs, consult your dentist as soon as possible, preferably on the same day but no later than the next morning, so that he can apply the appropriate dentine lining material over the damaged dentine.


Dental Pain


Pain in teeth pulp often arises unexpectedly, is severe, persists beyond the original location, and is made worse by hot & cold stimuli. This pain often spreads to the homolateral ear, temple, or face. Even if the discomfort goes away on its own, the patient should still see a dentist since even if the pulp hasn't necrosed, it might lead to an acute dental abscess if left untreated. 


 Tooth decay is only one of several potential causes of pain. Sometimes a toothache may be dealt with without seeing a dentist immediately, but when symptoms like swelling present themselves, it's time to get help directly. You should avoid taking Aspirin and other over-the-counter pain relievers since they contain ingredients that might burn the gum tissue if they come into contact with it. Use a cold compress outside your cheek and contact a dentist immediately. 


Lost filling/crown


Crowns and fillings restore teeth's look and function. When these breaks, have them treated immediately to minimize additional harm or reinfection. While waiting for dental treatment, stick sugarless gum in the cavity to prevent hurting the tooth. You may also bring the restoration to your dentist's office to be reapplied or fitted with a new crown.


Broken Braces


These metal wires and brackets can survive biting, eating, and talking. Still, they may shatter or stab your cheeks and gums. This causes pain and may halt or reverse teeth-straightening efforts. When this occurs, reposition the broken wire or cover the exposed end with orthodontic wax, a cotton ball, or gauze. Don't cut the wire to prevent swallowing; however annoying.


Avulsed Teeth


When a tooth knocks out of its socket entirely, it is an avulsed tooth. Avulsed teeth are dental emergencies, and one should seek treatment right away. Teeth treated within 30 to 60 minutes have the most effective success rate. Keep the tooth in long-life milk or saline until you can visit a dentist or doctor. When a tooth is out entirely, your doctor will likely try to reconnect it via reimplantation. Another handy tip: Water (due to isotonic damage from extended contact), disinfectants, bleach, and fruit juice are all inappropriate and mildly harmful fluids to keep the tooth in till you reach your dentist. 


Most dental emergencies include pain, bleeding, or orofacial injuries and hence need the attention of a dentist. However, one should seek professional medical care if dental care is unavailable. 


Contact your dental care provider in Pinole, Dr. Azadeh Hosseini, and Dr. Ghazal Hosseini, at Top Pinole Dental to know more about dental emergencies. 




Dental Emergencies And What Should Be Done


This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.