Case Studies and Success Stories

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Case Studies and Success Stories

Dr. Hosseini

Inspiring Transformations with Veneers 

Dental veneers offer a popular cosmetic procedure wherein the patient restores the smile he lost. Whether the smile gets affected due to cracks, chips, discoloration, or small gaps between the teeth, dental veneers can help.  

Many patients nowadays try to explore veneers before and after comparisons to understand the role of veneers in dental aesthetics. It’s also crucial to see photos of patients undergoing veneer treatment from a specific dental clinic.   

Porcelain veneers have a great lifespan of up to 15 years, so we’ll disclose many veneer success cases in this blog. You’ll get to know the real-life veneer experiences of a few patients to learn about the treatment beforehand. Moreover, these veneer transformation stories might inspire you to make an informed choice for your smile. So, let’s begin.  

Success Stories and Case Studies of Dental Veneers: 

Are you a dental veneer patient looking for a smile transformation to boost your well-being? But, do you need some kickstart point to visit your dentist? Then, here you go. The information below will surely aid you in your dental veneer smile transformation journey as it will help you go through some relevant information that might suit you, too. 

However, if that’s not the case, it will still help you learn about some positive ways dental veneers can enhance the patients’ dental transformation. Let’s learn about some real patient success stories and case studies. 

Patient Success Story 1: 

A patient named Ben achieved a stunning smile by Dr. Azadeh Husseini at Top Pinole Dental with three ceramic veneers after he had an accident. Cosmetic dentistry provides many benefits for teeth that get damaged because of accidents. Dental veneers are one such solution to restore the appearance of the teeth. Ben, a final-year dental student, suffered several fractures in his 4 upper teeth due to a scooter accident. Alongside, he also had some facial lacerations, which needed restoration. Ben temporarily rebuilt the teeth using composite resin when he visited the dentist. 

He did so because Ben was on vacation and wanted to enjoy himself more before getting a long-term solution. After some time, Ben visited Dr. Husseini to get a proper solution for his damaged teeth. Dr. Husseini placed three ceramic veneers to restore his teeth, along with one ceramic crown. Also, he recommended a teeth whitening procedure before placing the veneers, as we always focus on providing a personalized care and approach to any patient that visits us. The whole treatment took around a 4-hour preparation time and a 2-hour insertion time for the dental veneers and a crown. However, teeth whitening took around 3-4 weeks. Ben was extremely happy and satisfied with Dr. Huseini at Top Pinole Dental with the new look, which he cherished for a long time as our team aided him thoroughly for post veneer care.  

Patient Success Story

Patient Success Story 2: 

Another patient, Nikki, had several cosmetic issues with her teeth. So, he visited Dr. Husseini back in May this year to get the smile she wanted. The patient noticed that the size of her teeth was diminishing. Dr. Husseini explored and concluded that the reduction in teeth size was due to her habit of bruxism, i.e., chronic teeth grinding and clenching. She noticed that the teeth size deteriorated in a couple of years, and her front teeth were affected by that. Besides their aesthetics, the teeth got chipped and fractured in multiple places, affecting her smile. Also, it impacted her self-confidence, and she became conscious of her teeth’ appearance. It led to lower self-esteem and affected her overall quality of life.  

Her decision to take a comprehensive solution to restore her smile and overall dental health gave Top Pinole Dental the opportunity to bring “the biggest change of her life” (her words). Dr. Husseini recommended a night guard to avoid the risk of teeth grinding. However, she also had an issue with the bite alignment, so a comprehensive approach was needed, including using Invisalign treatment with porcelain veneers. The treatment took almost a year, but the results were worth it. Top Pinole Dental worked with her on every step of the way from treatment to keeping her knowledge up to date about her oral health. Nikki was super happy with her new smile, significantly boosting her confidence.  

Patient Success Story 3: 

Mary’s front teeth started separating as she got older. She noticed a wider gap between the center and the dentist, so she decided to visit Dr. Husseini at Top Pinole Dental. Though terrified of dental visits, she had to meet him for a better smile. This gap affected her current smile, and she started covering her mouth when talking to people. She didn’t feel good when she spoke, affecting her self-esteem.  

Besides having aesthetic problems, her issue came up with psychological problems, too. She became more self-conscious, her confidence started to shatter, and she used to talk less and didn’t eat openly. Dr. Azadeh Husseini used veneer treatment to fix Mary’s front teeth. Mary was delighted to see her new smile; now, she can talk freely and openly.  

A Case Study of Same-Day Veneers: 

Allan, a patient, had acute tooth sensitivity and a tooth-grinding issue. He came to Top Pinole dental clinic with a problem that, despite trying teeth whitening, his tooth sensitivity couldn’t bear. Also, our patient did not like the color of his teeth, which impacted his well-being. He tried composite, but it kept falling out. Now, he also had space between the teeth, which impacted how it looked.  

Top Pinole’s expert dental team fitted a mouthguard to Allan’s mouth in the first place to avoid the risk of tooth grinding after placing veneers. Afterward, they tried several options to improve the oral health functioning of Allan’s teeth, but nothing worked out. Allan was interested in having a same-day veneer option as he had thoroughly researched the process earlier and he openly discussed his options with Dr. Husseini during his visits. So, this option suited him well as we only carried out a minimalist process to soothe him. Dr. Husseini adjusted the biting edges with this approach, significantly benefiting Allan’s teeth. Though these same-day veneers were a bit costly, Allan thought it was a good investment in the long run as they had perfect finishing. Allan became quite happy and satisfied after this treatment.  

Porcelain Veneers Case Study: 

Leanne was a potential patient of dental veneers, crowns, and braces. She was suffering from multiple dental issues, such as teeth overcrowding and discolored and chipped teeth. Her dentist referred her to Dr. Husseini for a complete dental makeover because Leanne was habitual in grinding teeth and broke the fillings done earlier.  

Dr. Husseini explained to her how it is important for her to take care of any treatment she gets done, get the proper information from him, so she can maintain the results for her lifetime. Her condition  required lengthy dental treatment as multiple issues needed attention. First, Dr. Husseini stabilized her bite with clear braces by employing colored titanium wires and ceramic orthodontic brackets. During these six months, Top Pinole Dental team worked to cure the patient’s decayed teeth and tooth infections. She became interested in porcelain veneers and dental crowns on her top teeth.    

This whole treatment had a pleasant effect on Leanne’s mental health, and it was a matter of 8 months. Instead, she was surprised to see her oral health functioning got better. She thought dental implants were the only possible treatment, especially for the back of her teeth. Still, she was thankful to  Dr. Husseini’s approach for his excellent cooperation in placing dental veneers, crowns, and braces to improve her bite and aesthetics.  

A Case Study of Same-Day Porcelain Veneers: 

Gemma read about same-day porcelain veneers offered at Top-Pinole and became interested in this treatment. The patient had chipped teeth from a young age, and it caused a considerable gap between her teeth, which impacted how she looked. Her old dentist recommended porcelain veneers to resolve the issue, which Gemma readily accepted.  

However, the treatment wasn’t practical as her two front teeth looked wider than expected, and she still had considerable space between them. Then, she consulted Dr. Azadeh Husseini to resolve the issue but was hesitant to accept orthodontic treatment.  

However, due his extensive professional training and skills, the patient got comfortable getting a same-day veneer procedure; Dr, Husseini removed the old ones as they weren’t effective. The new veneers helped close the space between the patient’s front teeth and didn’t look wider this time. Gemma was delighted to see her new dental veneers, which readily cherished her. She was thankful to Dr. Husseini who helped to correct the gap caused by chipped teeth.    

Same-Day Porcelain Veneers

Final Thoughts: 

These veneer success cases would have helped you relate similar dental concerns and also in realizing that following expert advice thoroughly is crucial in successful dental treatment. However, as we say at Top Pinole; every patient is different, and every case also varies. Visit Dr. Husseini at Top Pinole Dental and discuss your dental concerns before taking any step. Be wise to make the right choice for your dental health.  

Contact your Pinole dentist, Dr. Azadeh Hosseini, DDS, or Ghazal Hosseini, DDS, at Top Pinole Dental to learn more about Veneers.


Porcelain Veneers: Who Is a Good Candidate?

*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.*