Dental Sealants

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are one of the most demanded and progressing methods for protecting teeth. They are preferred by a lot of people for so many reasons. Here we have the pros and cons of dental sealants, which might help you if you are planning to get them done.


Advantages of Dental Sealants:


  • Prevent Tooth Decay


dental curing light


Dental sealants act as a protective layer for your teeth, so they prevent any food or germs from going directly onto the teeth' surface. Especially in children with new permanent teeth, dental sealants are incredibly beneficial as those teeth are more prone to getting cavities or decays.


  • Improve Health


The germs do not reside between your teeth, leading to healthy teeth, a beautiful smile, and good oral health. They also boost overall health because of healthy eating and improved oral hygiene.


  • Pain-Free and Quick Procedure


Dental sealant is the most convenient and easy process because it does not involve any surgery or pain, and the candidate has to go once or twice to the clinic.


  • Cost-Efficient


They are much cheaper than the available alternative treatments in the market. However, they need to be replaced after every 5 or 6 years, which still doesn't cost as much as the other treatments required for one time only.


Disadvantages of Dental Sealants


  • Seal-In The Cavities


Dentists do a proper checkup to know the condition of the teeth, but in some cases, these cavities go unnoticed due to the less severity. If someone has cavities or already decayed teeth and goes for sealants without proper check, cleaning, and filling, it can cause the sealing of the cavities. It may result in spreading the cavities to the other teeth.


  • Not For Everyone


Some people having large grooves go directly for sealants, which is not preferred. They only cover minor grooves, but if the surface is irregular at a larger scale, other treatments like dental fillings are a great choice.


Similarly, some people have sensitive teeth which cannot bear the pressure inserted on them while chewing food particles. Dental sealants are not the treatment of sharp teeth as they make the surface smooth. If the surface is already without any groove, it causes difficulty in sticking.


  • Less Durability


The durability of dental sealants is affected by several reasons. Sometimes they contain some particles converted into BBA after coming in contact with saliva, affecting their shelf life. So, dental sealants last only for 5 to 6 years, then you have to get them replaced with new ones.




The cons are only due to the improper guideline you get before going for dental sealants or neglecting the proper checkup before getting the treatment. These can be easily avoided with a little more care and maintenance. So it's always better to seek advice from your dentist before going for any dental treatment.


Contact your Pinole dentists, Dr. Azadeh Hosseini and Dr. Ghazal Hosseini at Top Pinole Dental today for more information on dental sealants and all that they make possible.




Dental Sealants – A Basic Overview


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.