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CoronaVirus and Dental Health

CoronaVirus and Dental Health


The Coronavirus seems to be on everyone’s mind today. That said it is more important than ever before to remain focused on overall health and wellness including dental health. Maintaining good dental health can be as simple as having regular and routine checkups performed by a dental professional. Keep in mind that professional cleanings by a dental hygienist are for more effective than simply brushing and flossing at home. A dental hygienist is a professional that is able to remove plaque and tartar using special dental tools and devices.


Dental Checkup


It is important to note that even with the current coronavirus epidemic taking center stage that dental appointments and dental visits are still possible. As a matter of fact, this may be one of the best times to consider having a dental checkup. This is especially true for people who are now working from home remotely. Working from home allows more individuals than ever before to plan, schedule and attend a dental appointment even if it is just for a cleaning or examination. Also, those who may experience a dental emergency due to an injury or disease will have access to the best in dental care even through the toughest times that this current virus climate is causing.


Dental Appointments


Dental Appointments


Patients should know that modern dental facilities and dental offices maintain strict compliance with regard to the best in sterile and cleaning practices. It could even be said that it is less likely to come into contact with a flu virus in a dental office setting than it would be even in a grocery store. At the end of the day dental health plays a vital role in overall health and wellness. Never overlook your dental responsibilities and always schedule regular routine dental appointments even when daily life has been interrupted or disrupted in some way as it is now. Finally, always remember to brush and floss regularly at home even when being distracted by recent current events. Contact your dentists in Pinole, Dr. Azadeh Hosseini and Dr. Ghazal Hosseini at Top Pinole Dental for more information on the coronavirus and dental health.


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