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Chipped Tooth

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How To Deal With A Chipped Tooth

How To Deal With A Chipped Tooth


Experiencing a chipped tooth is never a fun or enjoyable experience. That said there are some things that a patient can do as a way to best protect their teeth until they are able to visit with a dental care provider. For example, if a tooth becomes chipped or broken it is best to save the piece of the tooth that is become dislodged. Your dental care provider may have options that would otherwise not be available in this regard. It may even be possible to reattach a portion of a tooth that has broken off unexpectedly.


Cracked Teeth Can Be Treated


When you know for sure that you have cracked one of your teeth it is best to schedule an appointment with your dental care provider as soon as possible. This is especially true when pain is experienced intermittently or in a more chronic way. Always remember that cracked teeth can be treated but it is essential to meet with your dentist as soon as possible. This will help to reduce the chances of further damage. In severe cases of a chipped or broken tooth you should rinse your mouth out with salt water.


Consider Covering Any Sharp Edges


Consider Covering Any Sharp Edges


This is important because it can reduce the chances of infection. A simple mixture of table salt and warm water swished around in the mouth for about a minute can greatly reduce the chances of infection. Another option with regard to a chipped tooth or broken tooth is to consider taking over-the-counter pain medication. This is an important step in alleviating pain until you are able to meet with your dentist. Finally, consider covering any sharp edges of a broken tooth with dental wax or something similar. This will help to prevent injury to the soft tissue within the mouth. Contact your dentists in Pinole, Azadeh Hosseini, DDS and Ghazal Hosseini, DDS at Top Pinole Dental for more information about dealing with a chipped tooth.


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